As a way to educate the public and give back to our industry and other professionals, we created PES Academy which allows people to view pieces of some of the conferences we create.
It also gives real estate and wealth management professionals the opportunity to engage in courses (mostly free) from certified professionals on real estate, marketing, investment, law and finance that can help them in their career.
We dedicated this piece in our website to educate and share knowledge and our partners' with you.
Who We Are
We are investment and wealth management experts with a huge focus on real estate.
Through our company and partners, we create investment packages based on real estate. From investment funds to rental properties and much more. Learn more about our services here.
We are working with partners and collaborators to share with you unique content, articles and news as well as downloadable documents and white papers for you.
Connect with Radio Show
El Juego Financiero
WIAC 740 AM - WIAC - AM 740
From San Juan, Puerto Rico
Every Friday from WIAC 740 AM - WIAC - AM 740 - San Juan at 12 PM you can listen to PES CEO Ferdinand Ruano and other professionals such as Jose Crespi and Roberto Bernal from Lyon Bern talk about finance, economy, real estate and more. The show is in Spanish and we're now recording it on video through zoom as well so that we can give you access to it from Facebook in case you want to listen to it late.
JUST CLICK HERE to see or listen to the latest episodes.
From online conferences and networking events to summits, you will see them here first.
You may have seen our latest online summit in the news. INVERSIONISTAS HISPANOS 2020 was a success and we will continue to create value for you and our stakeholders.
Suscribe to our PES Academy newsletter to be the first to read about our new projects.